Restless Nights, Mindful Insights

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Restless Night, Mindful Insights

Hello friends,
Last night was one of those restless nights. Typically, when I can't sleep, I attempt meditation—though admittedly, it's often a half-hearted effort because I'm tired. But this time, I decided to push through the fog, and in doing so, I experienced a profound insight that I'd like to share with you.
An opportunity for self-discovery
I fell into a liminal state: somewhere between sleeping and waking, yet fully conscious. In that state, I was a passive observer of my mind, detached yet fully present. It became clear to me—once again—that thoughts arise without anyone actively thinking them. The sense of "I" belonged to the witness, yet, more often than not, I found myself getting caught up in stories. I would forget that I was watching, and suddenly, I was acting out some drama. This back-and-forth reminded me of how challenging it is to see our own story as a story.
The Power of Witnessing
This act of witnessing, of getting perspective on your perspective, lies at the core of shadow work. Shadow work refers to the process of exploring and integrating unconscious aspects of ourselves.
Feeling Without the Story
Feelings arise, most often accompanied by a story. The work, then, is to feel those emotions deeply, without fabricating a story around them—letting the feelings "self-liberate." It's no easy feat; our brains are wired to make sense of what we feel, often ruminating until the discomfort spirals into something more.
Peace Through Skillful Awareness
Last night, I encountered numerous discomforting feelings but chose to watch and let them pass. Today, despite not getting a full night's sleep, I feel well-rested, mindful, and content. This sense of peace and contentment is a direct result of cultivating skillful awareness, something we can all achieve.
An Invitation to Transform
If you want to deepen your self-awareness and authenticity journey, I'd love to help. Through my coaching and retreats, I offer guidance to help you reconnect with your inner self, align with your values, and transform how you respond to life's challenges. Click here if you'd like to connect with me and take the next step in your journey.
Wishing you abundant health, happiness, and prosperity,
Answer the Call
What stories are holding you back from feeling peace and contentment? By cultivating skillful awareness, you can learn to observe your thoughts and emotions without getting caught in their grip. Ready to explore the depths of self-awareness and embrace your shadow? Click here to connect with me and take the next step.
Questions for Reflection
How often do you find yourself caught in the stories your mind creates?
Reflect on recent moments when emotions arose—did you observe them or get pulled into their narrative?
What might happen if you allowed emotions to "self-liberate" without fabricating a story?
Imagine how sitting with feelings, instead of spiraling into their stories, could bring you clarity and peace.
How could cultivating skillful awareness help you respond more thoughtfully to life’s challenges?
Consider the impact of mindfulness on your reactions and relationships.